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About the guide
Sport, nature and adventure guide
Speaking languages
English, Spanish, Portuguese
Activity started in
Totally customizable, we rent the vehicle fitting your needs!
Air conditioned : YES
Baby seat : YES
Interests centers
- Birding.
- Exploration of poorly known (ornithologically) areas in Colombia.
- Editorial work at Boletin SAO (
- Dual Sport bike riding (Suzuki DR650).
Diploma, references, agreements
I am member of several birding and ornithology associations; including Neotropical Ornithology Society (, Neotropical Bird Club (, Sociedad Antioqueña de Ornitologia (, and American Ornithologists’ Union (, among many others.
Car 4WD Motor bike Boat Family / Children Culture Unusual Festival Gastronomy Fair tourism Ecology Birdwatching Wild animals Marine animals Horse Excursion / trekking Mountain Kayak / raft Climbing Canyoning 
Car, 4WD, Motor bike, Boat, Family / Children, Culture, Unusual, Festival, Gastronomy, Fair tourism, Ecology, Birdwatching, Wild animals, Marine animals, Horse, Excursion / trekking, Mountain, Kayak / raft, Climbing, Canyoning
Contact - Get a quote
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Address : Medellin (and ALL Colombia!) COLOMBIA

Guided tour #1: Birding Northern Central Andes - Where endemics are yet being discovered

Duration : 1 day
Level : medium Medium
This is a totally customizable tour (number of days, other tours to add, number of birders, accomodation type, transportation type, etc etc...) we will arrange anything you might need/want!
This is a very superb birding area; Andean montane and premontane forests, and some minor paramune areas are found in the northern end of the Central Andes of Colombia from 1800 to 3000 m. Amalfi municipality lies just 100Km N of Medellin and some of the recently new species described in Colombia as Chestnut-capped Piha, Stiles’ Tapaculo and Parker’s Antbird are very common in the region. Amalfi is a great area to spend a couple of excellent birding days to secure good views of the new species as well as other specialties like White-mantled Barbet, Red-bellied Grackle and Multicolored Tanager. Moreover, species we have found as new records for the Central Andes or from the Choco lowlands hot-spot will be in your list: Rufous-rumped Antwren, Rufous-browed Tyrannulet and Purplish-mantled Tanager are easily observed, while Blue-fronted Parrotlet, Lanceolated Monklet, Scarlet-and-white Tanager and Lemon-spectacled Tanager are quite likely too. We lodge in local small hotels in town and the birding areas are merely ~30 minutes driving. If you want birding around Medellin, there are several first-class options as well. Valle de Aburra slopes, where Medellin is located, still have some well preserved high Andean IBA forests which are without any doubt just what the doctor ordered to watch endemics: groups with more than 25 Red-bellied Grackles, the elusive Bicolored Antpitta (recently rediscovered near the type locality after more than 100 years without any record), Stiles’ Tapaculo, Crested Ant-Tanager, Parker’s Antbird and many other high elevation Mountain-Tanagers, Hummingbirds, and Tyrant Flycatchers. Endemic Chestnut Wood-quails are heard constantly, but as well as with Yellow-headed Manakin, you .....

Activities, services on this tour:
Car 4WD Motor bike Family / Children Culture Unusual Gastronomy Fair tourism Ecology Birdwatching Wild animals
Car, 4WD, Motor bike, Family / Children, Culture, Unusual, Gastronomy, Fair tourism, Ecology, Birdwatching, Wild animals
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marketBirding Northern Central Andes - Where endemics ar