Pasamos 3 dias en Jerusalem y uno de ellos lo pudimos compartir con Sam. Fue una suerte haber contactado con el. Estuvimos todo el dia visitando la ciudad vieja. Creo que nuestro paso por Jerusalen no hubiese sido igual si lo hubiesemos hecho por nuestra cuenta. Mereció la pena.
Gracias Sam por el agradable dia que vivimos!

Del día 18 al 23 de julio hicimos un tour con Sam. Mi marido y yo era la segunda vez que íbamos a Israel y hacía dos meses que, vía correo electrónico, preparábamos el itinerario con Sam.
Si queréis visitar muchos lugares de interés que aún no se ofrecen en los circuitos de visjes programados a Israel, no lo dudéis, contactad con Sam. Él hace que resulte fácil lo que a los turistas europeos nos puede parecer complicado.
Sam es amable y se adaptó en todo momento a nuestras espectativas de viaje. Con él visitamos lugares de Jerusalem conocidos y otros sorprendentemente interesantes y no tan populares. También fuimos a Abu Gosh y Beit Guvrin,donde nos encantó ver el columbarium y las caves. Visitamos Jericho, Herodion, Hebron y Belén.
Sam conoce bien los lugares, su historia y las gentes.Es respetado por todo el mundo y eficaz en su trabajo. Por eso pudimos gozar de tanto en tan pocos días. Un viaje inolvidable. Gracias, Sam.

Hola, hace unos dias he regresado de un viaje por Israel con un tour, y como tenía un dia libre en Jerusalem, decidi contratar un guia local para visitar cierta zonas, y al final me acompañó Sam Elias,fué una decisión acertada. Tengo que decir que pase un dia estupendo a su lado, me llevo a visitar la explanada de las mezquitas y luego nos dirigimos a Masada y Qunram para terminar en Jericó. Fué un fantástico guia, proporcionandome valiosos datos de los lugares visitados, así como amplia información del país y sus costumbres.Un día muy agradable y ameno en su compañía. Recomendable

We toured with Sam January 15-22, 2012. We had many E-Mail exchanges to plan out the trip. We found Sam to be very responsive. The itinerary he designed was excellent. I have toured Israel before on a limited basis while working there. Sam was more knowledgeable and personable than the other guides that I used previously. In addition, Sam has excellent contacts in various places that allowed us access to certain sites that are not usually accessible by visitors.
Our tours included Jerusalem (two days), Masada, Herodian, Hebron, Dead Sea, Bethlehem.
We really enjoyed our time with Sam. As mentioned above, he was very knowledgeable and his personality was very enjoyable as well. Sam was also very timely and arranged airport transportation for us as well.
I would highly recommend Sam for anyone touring Israel. We liked the ability to plan our own trip since we were the only people with Sam so we could go at our own pace and spend the time where we most wanted to spend it.

My wife and I had the pleasure of having Sam Elias as our guide in April 2011. He had previously guided us in September 2008. Having had many memorable experiences with Sam in 2008, we definitely wanted to hire him again during our recent trip. Sam is very knowledgeable, friendly and makes excellent recommendations of places to visit. His fluency in Hebrew, Arabic and Spanish are a tremendous asset. He has a variety of cars which he can use depending upon the size of the group. We had particular interest in touring the West Bank, specifically the Jericho ruins, Herodian and Hebron. Our experiences in all of these areas were most memorable and interesting. We felt completely safe and thoroughly enjoyed our day with him. I highly recommend Sam. He is very accessible so if you email or call him, he quickly responds.

Just returned from a fantastic 10 day trip throughout all parts of Israel with our family of 5. We were on our own with a rental car part of the time, and used an Israeli guide for a few days to go up North and Masada. He was adequate, but rather conservative and inflexible in his views. It was an interesting perspective, but became tiresome. One of the real high points of our trip was the time we spent touring with Sam Elias, who works for the UN and gives tours part time (guide.holy@gmail.com). Sam is a Christian Palestininian who grew up in Bethlehem. We toured the 4 quarters of the old city with Sam, with emphasis on Temple Mount and Church of the Holy Sepulchre. (We did Western Wall ourselves, including the fantastic excavations of the Western Wall tunnels which you should get tickets for as far in advance as possible). We also went to Bethlehem/Church of the Nativity with Sam. He was an excellent guide, and provided some balance to our perspective in contrast to our Israeli guide