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About me
My name is Zak, I'm 40 years old from Jordan,
I was working in the states as employee then i improved myself in management. After that I owned the place until 2005. On 2006 i resigned to travel back Jordan to start working in tourism as freelance. I found my passion in travelling, so i decided to stay because i loved my job until now.

About the guide
Cultural tour guide
Sport, nature and adventure guide
Speaking languages
English, Arabic
Activity started in
Air conditioned : YES
Baby seat : YES
Interests centers
Diploma, references, agreements
Diploma, references, agreements
Ziyad azaydeh Started working as a Tourist Escort since 2004, I worked for many tourist companies in Jordan that made for me good name , Then I decides to work for my self; so I chose some skillful drivers & guides.

Fixed date tours Car 4WD Boat Family / Children Culture Unusual Gastronomy Fair tourism Industrial tourism Wild animals Horse Camel Excursion / trekking Mountain Bicycle Climbing Diving 
Fixed date tours, Car, 4WD, Boat, Family / Children, Culture, Unusual, Gastronomy, Fair tourism, Industrial tourism, Wild animals, Horse, Camel, Excursion / trekking, Mountain, Bicycle, Climbing, Diving
Contact - Get a quote
Address : Madaba JORDAN
Mobile : 00962799695649

Guided tour #1: Classical Tour

Duration : 9 days
Level : medium Medium
Tour Itinerary:

Day 1: QAI Airport – Amman ON:
Afternoon, arrival in Jordan where you will be met by English-speaking representative who will assist you with getting your visa, retrieving your bags and going through customs. (Visas are $15 USD, paid in cash upon arrival for all nationalities). Transfer to your chosen hotel in Amman for check-in.

Day 2: Amman city tour – Desert Castle – Amman ON (B):
Today you will enjoy a city tour in Amman, the capital, a safe, friendly, and modern city. Above the city, the ancient Citadel listens as Amman reveals its past. Known in the Old Testament as Rabbath Ammon and in Greco-Roman times as Philadelphia, you will visit the Amphitheater, Archaeological & Jordan Folklore Museums and the Citadel (The Byzantine Church, The Temple of Hercules and The Umayyad Palace complex).

Then we leave Amman for a tour to the Jordanian Desert Castles, which include the Amra Castle with its zodiac dome adorned with the early examples of Omayyad fresco paintings, the fortress-like mysterious Qasr Kha-ranah, the black basalt Roman/Medieval Islamic fort at Azraq. Afternoon we drive back to your hotel in Amman for overnight.

Day 3: Jerash – Ajloun – Amman ON (B):
Morning time, we leaving Amman city driving northward toward Jerash, the best example of a roman provincial city in the whole Middle East. You will visit the Hadrian's Arch, Hippodrome, Colonnaded Street, Cathedral, Jerash Archaeological Museum, North Theatre and South Theatre.

Then we proceed our visit to Ajlun Castle (Qal'at Ar-Rabad) was built by Saladin's general in 1184 AD to control the iron mines of Ajlun, and to counter the progress of the Crusaders by dominating the three main routes leading to the Jordan valley and protecting the communication routes between Jordan and Syria. A fine example of Islamic architecture, the fortress dominates a wide stretch of the northern Jordan Valley. Back to your hotel in Amman for overnight.

Day 4: Madaba –Nebo – Kings Highway – Kerak – Petra ON (B):
Morning time, we will departure from Amman toward Petra. Your first visit is to Madaba, where the St George's Greek Orthodox Church has a famous mosaic on the floor. Made during the 6th century AD, the mosaic shows the pilgrimage from the surrounding areas to the Holy Land. You can even find Egypt on this map!

Your next visit recalls the story of Moses and his journey to the Promised Land. At Mount Nebo there is a Memorial for Musa (Moses) and a 4th century church which Italian Franciscan priests excavated and restored in 1933. The panoramic view overlooks the Jordan River Valley, the Dead Sea, Jericho and Jerusalem.

In the Bible story, Moses does not ever arrive at the Promised Land, but he is able to see it from a distance before he dies. It is from Mount Nebo that one can see it in the distance (on a clear day). It is also believed that this is the burial place of Moses.

Then we drive along the famous ancient biblical caravan route the king's way, stopping in Wadi Al-Mujib, a great wide valley shall swept your breath away for it's magnificent geological formation, a short photo stop before continuing to Kerak. , Kerak (krakmoba) (kier Moab) the ancient, biblical capital of the Moabites, which the bible mentioned several times and it become will known for the visitors for the famous crusaders castle that was built in 1132/34 by the famous king Baldwin the first of Jerusalem, visiting the castle and enjoy the amazing undergrounds halls, and the castle museum. Afternoon, arrival in Petra and time to get situated in your hotel.

Day 5: Petra full day visit & ON (B):
After breakfast at the hotel, we will begin to explore the Red Rose City Petra. First established sometime around the 6th century BC by Nabataean Arabs, a nomadic tribe who settled in the area and laid the foundations of a commercial empire that extended into Syria. Despite successive attempts by the Seleucid king Antigonus, the Roman emperor Pompe

Activities, services on this tour:
Car 4WD Horse
Car, 4WD, Horse

Guided tour #2: Quick visit of Jordan

Duration : 5 days
Level : medium Medium
Day 1: Arrive in Amman ON:
Upon arrival at QAI airport in Amman, Jordan you will be met by our English-speaking representative, who will assist you with getting your visa, retrieving your bags, and passing through customs procedures. (Visas are $30 USD for all nationalities, paid in cash upon arrival). You will then be transferred by private car to your hotel. Depending on the time of your arrival, you may have some free time to wander and explore or relax at your hotel.

Day 2: Jerash, Ajloun, and Amman ON (B):
In the morning we leave Amman and drive north to Jerash, the best example of a Roman provincial city in the Middle East. You will visit Hadrian's Arch, the Hippodrome, the Colonnade, the Cathedral, the Jerash Archaeological Museum, the North Theater, and the South Theater. After Jerash we proceed to Ajlun Castle (Qal'at Ar-Rabad), built by Saladin's general in 1184 AD. The strategic placement of the Castle helped control the iron mines of Ajlun and helped to counter the progress of the Crusaders in two ways: by dominating the three main routes leading to the Jordan valley and by protecting the communications routes between Jordan and Syria. The castle is a fine example of Islamic architecture and dominates a wide stretch of the northern Jordan Valley. In the afternoon we travel back to your hotel in Amman.

Day 3: Madaba – Mt. Nebo – Dead Sea – Petra ON (B):
Morning time, we leave Amman toward Petra. Your first visit is to Madaba, where the St George's Greek Orthodox Church has a famous mosaic on the floor. Made during the 6th century AD, the mosaic shows the pilgrimage routes from the surrounding areas to the Holy Land.

Your next visit is to Mount Nebo. Here you will follow in the footsteps of the steps of Moses. It was from Mount Nebo that Moses looked out and saw the Promised Land. He did not live to set foot in it but is thought to have been buried on or near Mount Nebo. There is a memorial for Musa (Moses) and a 4th century church which Italian Franciscan priests excavated and restored in 1933. The panoramic view overlooks the Jordan River Valley, the Dead Sea, Jericho a there is a Memorial for Musa (Moses) and a 4th century church which Italian Franciscan priests excavated and restored in 1933. The panoramic view overlooks the Jordan River Valley, the Dead Sea, Jericho and Jerusalem.

Our last stop in the Dead Sea, The lowest point on earth and the largest natural spa in the world, the Dead Sea is one of the world's true natural wonders and a unique destination. 417 meters (1,373 ft.) below sea level the mineral-rich waters and mud flows have natural health and beauty benefits acclaimed globally. Recognized as a mini-universe with its own micro climate, the Dead Sea is the saltiest and most mineral-laden body of water in the world. The unparalleled buoyancy and warmth of the water has everyone floating. And its health promoting thermo-mineral springs and world famous cosmetic black mud have been praised by visitors for millennium. Relax and treat yourself to all it has to offer. Evening, arrival in Petra and time to get situated in your hotel

Day 4: Petra full day visit & ON (B):
Today, you have the entire day to explore the Rose Red City of Petra. The city is thought to have been first established in the 6th century BC by Nabataean Arabs, a nomadic tribe who settled in the area and laid the foundations of a commercial empire that extended into Syria. Despite successive attempts by the Seleucid king Antigonus, the Roman emperor Pompey and Herod the Great to bring Petra under the control of their respective empires, Petra remained largely in Nabataean hands until around 100 AD, when the Romans diverted to the north the caravan routes that had brought Petra its wealth. It was still inhabited during the Byzantine period, when the former Roman Empire moved its focus east to Constantinople, but declined in importance thereafter. The Crusaders constructed a fort there in the 12th century, but

Activities, services on this tour:
Car Family / Children Culture Horse
Car, Family / Children, Culture, Horse

Guided tour #3: Mixed Activites

Duration : 7 days
Level : medium Medium
Day 1: QAI Airport – Amman ON:
Arrival in Jordan, where you will be met by English-speaking representative who will assist you with getting your visa, retrieving your bags and going through customs. (Visas are $30 USD, paid in cash upon arrival for all nationalities). You will then be transferred by private car to Amman and assist with checking you into your hotel.

Day 2: Jerash – Amman city tour & ON (B):
Today we will drive north of Amman to Jerash, the best example of a roman provincial city in the whole Middle East. You will visit the Hadrian's Arch, Hippodrome, Colonnaded Street, Cathedral, Jerash Archaeological Museum, North Theatre and South Theatre. Afternoon, we travel back for a city tour of Amman. Jordan’s capital is a safe, friendly, and modern city. The old city is dominated by the ancient Citadel with its Byzantine Church, The Temple of Hercules and The Umayyad Palace. Amman was known in the Old Testament as Rabbath Ammon and in Greco-Roman times as Philadelphia. You will also visit the Amphitheater and the Archaeological & Jordan Folklore Museums. Driver back to your hotel in Amman - (Breakfast included).

Day 3: Madaba – Nebo – Dead Sea – Petra ON (B):
After breakfast, we depart from Amman and drive to Madaba, famous for its mosaic art. We visit St. George's Church to see the 6th-century map of Palestine, and find more mosaic treasures in the Archaeological Park, which houses masterpieces of several Byzantine churches.

Your next visit recalls the story of Moses and his journey to the Promised Land. At Mount Nebo there is a Memorial for Musa (Moses) and a 4th century church which Italian Franciscan priests excavated and restored in 1933. The panoramic view overlooks the Jordan River Valley, the Dead Sea, Jericho and Jerusalem. In the Bible story, Moses does not ever arrive at the Promised Land, but he is able to see it from a distance before he dies. It is from Mount Nebo that one can see it in the distance (on a clear day). It is also believed that this is the burial place of Moses.

Our last stop will be in the Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth, 417 m (1,373 ft.) below sea level and the largest ''Natural Spa'' in the world. The mineral-rich waters and mud flow with natural health and beauty benefits acclaimed globally. You’ll have time for your own. Float on the Dead Sea and make the experience not being able to sink in water. Try the beauty effect of the black mud on the shore. From Dead Sea we drive to Petra, and assists with checking you in to your hotel - (Breakfast included).

Day 4: Petra full day visit & ON (B):
Breakfast at the hotel followed by the tour of the Rose Red City of Petra. The city is thought to have been first established in the 6th century BC by Nabataean Arabs, a nomadic tribe who settled in the area and laid the foundations of a commercial empire that extended into Syria. Despite successive attempts by the Seleucid king Antigonus, the Roman emperor Pompey and Herod the Great to bring Petra under the control of their respective empires, Petra remained largely in Nabataean hands until around 100 AD, when the Romans diverted to the north the caravan routes that had brought Petra its wealth.

It was still inhabited during the Byzantine period, when the former Roman Empire moved its focus east to Constantinople, but declined in importance thereafter. The Crusaders constructed a fort there in the 12th century, but soon withdrew, leaving Petra to the local people until the early 19th century, when it was visited by the Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt. The approach to Petra is unforgettable, made either on foot or horseback through the Outer Siq and then on foot through the Siq itself. The Siq ends in an open space which is dominated by the Treasury, Petra’s most famous building. A local guide will give a brief history of the city. You will also see Pharaoh's Castle, the Triumphal Arch, the Amphitheater and Monastery before returning to your hotel -

Activities, services on this tour:
Car 4WD Boat Sailing boat Family / Children Culture Wild animals Horse Excursion / trekking Mountain Kayak / raft Climbing Canyoning Fish Diving
Car, 4WD, Boat, Sailing boat, Family / Children, Culture, Wild animals, Horse, Excursion / trekking, Mountain, Kayak / raft, Climbing, Canyoning, Fish, Diving
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marketClassical Tour marketQuick visit of Jordan marketMixed Activites