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TEAT (Technician Diploma Business and Tourist Activities in the Official School of Tourism in Madrid). Madrid's Official Guide in English and French .Toledo's Official Guide in English and French .Segovia's Official Guide in English and French . Guide Royal Palace of Madrid , Palace of Aranjuez, the Escorial Royal Monastery , Pardo Palace and the Royal Monastery of the Incarnation and ...
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Tailor-made tours Fixed date tours Family / Children Culture Unusual Festival Gastronomy Fair tourism Industrial tourism Bicycle 
Tailor-made tours, Fixed date tours, Family / Children, Culture, Unusual, Festival, Gastronomy, Fair tourism, Industrial tourism, Bicycle
Contact - Get a quote
Address : Madrid SPAIN
Mobile : 0034627562020

Guided tour #1: Madrid

Duration : 1 day
Level : easy Easy

The tour lasts 4/7 hours you chose:

-visit the old district from the16th and 17th century name after the royal family then , the Hapsburgs
-visit the Royal Palace
-Tapas tour
-visit one of the museums Prado, Reina Sofia or Thyseen
-suggest me any other tour

It is possible as well to go the Royal Palace of Aranjuez, the city of Alcala where we have a university from the 16th century, El Pardo (the palace used by monarchs to go hunting) or to visit the Escorial (16th century Palace, Mausoleum of the royal family and a great monastery).

These tours require us to leave the city and last at least 5 hours.

Activities, services on this tour:
Tailor-made tours Family / Children Disabled Culture Gastronomy
Tailor-made tours, Family / Children, Disabled, Culture, Gastronomy

Guided tour #2: Toledo(from Madrid)

Duration : 1 day
In 30 minutes with the bullet train we reach one of the most amazing cities of Spain, Toledo,
Picturesqued sited on a hill above the river Tajo. Behind the old walls lies much evidence of the city's rich history. The romans built the fortress on the site of the present-day Alcazar. The Visigoths made of Toledo their capital in 6th centuryand left behind several churches.

In the Middle Ages Toledo was the melting pot of Christian, Muslim andJewish cultures and it was during this period that the city most outstanding monument-its cathedral-was built. In the 16th century the painter El Greco came to live in Toledo and today the city is home of many of his works.

The city of the 3 cultures where we will visit a mosque built up in 999, a synagogue in the jew area and a gothic cathedral
(7 hour tour).

Activities, services on this tour:
Family / Children Culture Gastronomy
Family / Children, Culture, Gastronomy

Guided tour #3: Segovia( from Madrid)

Duration : 1 day
Level : easy Easy
It is the most spectacular sited city in Spain. The old town is set high on a rocky spur and is surrounded by two rivers. From afar it looks like a ship, the medieval Alcazar on its sharp crag forming the prow , the pinnacles of the Gothic cathedral rising up like a mast and the aqueduct trailing behind like a rudder. A relatively short journey from Madrid by bus or train (35 minutes with the bullet train). It is well worth to look. Easy to negotiate on foot, there is plenty to see and do for a day trip from Madrid ;an Alcazar ( medieval fortress), a roman Acueduct and a gothic cathedral and.....How a bout trying some local food?
(8 hour tour)

Activities, services on this tour:
Family / Children Culture Gastronomy
Family / Children, Culture, Gastronomy

Guided tour #4: El Escorial

Duration : 1 day
El Escorial is a historical residence of the king of Spain, about 45 kilometres (28 miles) northwest of the Spanish capital, Madrid. It is one of the Spanish royal sites and functions as a monastery, royal palace, museum, and school.
Philip II engaged the Spanish architect, Juan Bautista de Toledo, to be his collaborator in the design of El Escorial. Juan Bautista had spent the greater part of his career in Rome, where he had worked on the basilica of St. Peter's, and in Naples, where he had served the king's viceroy, whose recommendation brought him to the king's attention. Philip appointed him architect-royal in 1559, and together they designed El Escorial as a monument to Spain's role as a center of the Christian world.
On November 2, 1984, UNESCO declared The Royal Site of San Lorenzo of El Escorial a World Heritage Site. It is an extremely popular tourist attraction, often visited by day-trippers from Madrid - more than 500, 000 visitors come to El Escorial every year. MONDAYS IT IS CLOSED

Activities, services on this tour:
Family / Children Culture Gastronomy
Family / Children, Culture, Gastronomy
Click on the links to locate positions
marketMadrid marketToledo(from Madrid) marketSegovia( from Madrid) marketEl Escorial